A personal blog of a 40ish mom trying to live with intention, try new things, and find joy in the ordinary.

An Individualized Approach to Education

I have a deep love of learning and education. I’ll post what works for us, what doesn’t work for us, and what we learn in the process.

Mia Prep

Our Primary Curriculum

PBS Learning Media

A Great Resource

TN DOE Homeschool Requirements

Resources and rules for homeschooling

Kid Central

Another Great Resource

What about socialization?

I hate this question. No offense. You didn’t know. First, I’ll start by saying that there are SO MANY OPPORTUNITIES to “socialize” your child. There are co-ops, open gyms, parks, meet ups, homeschool hours for local community resources, sports teams, etc. Next, I will snarkily say that your child isn’t a dog. They don’t need to be “socialized”. Quit using that word. They need a peer group, sure, but there are so many options. Finally, I will say that the type of “socialization” happening in schools is NOT what I want for my child. I saw it first hand in my classrooms. It’s a big part of why we left.

Why are you so mad?

I’m sorry. I’m not mad. I just get a little carried away when I feel like people are judging my choices. Every family is different and every parent gets to make their own choices.

What’s the difference between homeschool and remote school?

Technically, if you’re registered with your district as a homeschool family, you homeschool. There are different types of curriculum. My oldest (10th grade) uses an online high school that is accredited. I consider him to be a “remote” learner even though his school is asynchronous. This school is private and not federally funded. My youngest son (7th grade) uses an online curriculum but I am his only teacher.

How many different types of homeschooling are there?

So many! You could use religious curriculum, secular, unschooling, outschooling, roadschooling, Charlotte Mason, online schools, project-based learning, unit studies, etc. There is truly something for everyone.

What are your legal obligations?

You must register with your school district as a homeschooler. You must keep attendance. The student must receive instruction for at least 4 hours per day for 180 days. The parent must have at least a high school diploma or GED. Students must be immunized or excluded as exempt. You must assign a curriculum for your student. Students must take the TCAP in grades 5,7, and 9. Do your research! However, registering with an Umbrella School can shelter you from some of those requirements. We use Homelife Academy.

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